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Model 2221

The Model 2221 is a general purpose ratemeter and scaler with an analog display for optimally viewing the count rate and rate of change through all possible four decades of display. It is accompanied by a digital LCD, which can present either the ratemeter data or the scaler counts.

Control functions available include: decade range selection, scaler count time, power on/off, response setting, LCD analog/digital switch, PHA window switch, lamp, audio divide by, audio volume, count zeroing, and scaler start/halt.

The wide range high voltage supply supports a variety of detectors with additional threshold and window settings that facilitate switching between gross counts and the energy band of interest. The instrument housing is cast aluminum with a separate battery compartment and accompanying metal handle. This design delivers industrial robustness, quality, capability, and versatility.

  • Digital Ratemeter with Built-In Scaler
  • Dual Analog Meter & Digital LCD Presentation
  • Rich Array of Discrete Front Panel Controls
  • Single Channel Analysis
  • Optional RS-232 Data Output
  • Wide Range HV
    Overload Protection
  • Overload Protection
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