These are general purpose check sources used freely to check responses from multiple instruments, or may be contained inside Ludlum's mechanical check source holder that is attached directly to an instrument for convenience. The sources are sealed within a plastic disk.
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These sources are designed to be attached to instruments. They include a very thin plastic laminate source and an industrial strength adhesive holder for attaching directly to the instrument of choice. The table below presents two of the more common sources. Other source activities and isotopes are available upon request.
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Ludlum's traditional mechanical type check source holder is attached to the instrument housing with four screws. A nice swing-away door exposes the source whenever it is needed to verify detector accuracy and clicks closed to keep the source protected and secure. This type holder is typically used with the plastic disk type check sources measuring 2.5 cm diameter (1 inch).
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This unique product fastens Ludlum's very thin (0.010 inches thick) plastic laminate type check source in sizes up to 1.0 inch in diameter to instruments using an industrial strength adhesive. This design offers a lower cost alternative to Ludlum's standard plastic disk type sources and Mechanical Holder.
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