EZ Scan 6 - Magnetic Wheel Encoder
Danatronics EZ Scan 6 encoder is a 1 axis encoder that keeps track of the transducer movement as it relates to the B-scan image. The ECHO 9 must contain the Datalogger Software for the B-scan to appear. This feature requires a hardware change to allow for the lemo encoder jack on the top of the gage.
Spring Loaded Holder
The spring loaded holder (SPH-718) is the ideal fixture to be used on small diameter applications such as tubing to prevent the probe from rocking. Shown above is the SPH-718 with the DK718 transducer inside. The probe can be rotated as well and the fixture has v-notches to assist in probe alignment.
Chest harness
Custom 4 point chest harness with comfortable adjustment of straps for shoulder and waste line. Comes with metal detents.
5 Step Test Block
We offer a 5 step test block, made of carbon steel with nickel plating engraved in both English and Metric values from .100’, .200”, .300”, .400”, .500” or 2.54mm, 5.05mm, 7.5mm, 10.0mm, 12.7mm (No certification is provided with these blocks but can be provide on special order for an additional fee).
Dual and single cables offered in 6 feet or other lengths upon special order. Shown left to right: DLM-06, DLM-06ACMP, LM-06.
We offer a variety of ultrasonic couplants from a standard gel in 2 Oz. or 12 Oz. options, to high temperature up to 1100 Degrees F. Contact us for more details.
With this hardware option the operator can use a footswitch to save, freeze or send readings.

Dual Transducers
Danatronics dual transducers are stocked in a wide variety of frequencies and diameters, from 0.5mHz to 10mHz. Most of our dual transducers come standard with a potted cable and molded plug. For our non-potted dual transducers that come with microdot connectors we offer both standard and armored cables.
Single Element Contact Transducers
Danatronics single element transducers are stocked in a wide variety of frequencies and diameters, from 0.5mHz to 10mHz. All single element probes come standard with microdot connectors.
Delay Line Transducers
Danatronics delay line transducer are available in 5, 10 and 20 mHZ options.
Angle Beam
Danatronics angle beam transducers are available as quick change angle beams or as AWS type probes with with snail or serrated wedges.
High Temperature
The DHT-537 high temperature dual (up to 950F intermittent use) shown with optional Bell Housing and available armored Dual Lemo to Microdoct 6’ cable with molded plug (DLM-09ACMP).
Spring Loaded Holder
Available for DK718
Danatronics Spring Loaded Holder has dual v-notches for small diameter pipes and tubes to prevent probe “rocking”.