Model HFC-8 Hand, Foot, and Clothing Monitor
The HFC-8 is a compact hand, foot, and clothing monitor to measure personnel leaving controlled areas. Robust, with a removable probe and spring-loaded hand detectors, the Model HFC-8 is designed for portability between different areas. Featuring a detector arrangement to measure the hands and feet in one measurement step, the Model HFC-8 integrates the latest technology and design, while meeting industry and regulatory standards.
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Model 215 Alpha Frisker Station CE Label
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Model 3276HFM Low Cost Hand & Foot Monitor
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Model 3277HFM Compact Alpha-Beta Hand & Foot Monitor
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Model 4901P Beta-Gamma Hand & Foot Monitor
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Model 4906A Alpha Hand & Foot Monitor
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Model 4906AB Alpha-Beta Hand & Foot Monitor
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Model 4906P Alpha-Beta-Gamma Hand & Foot Monitor
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Model HFC-8 Hand, Foot, and Clothing Monitor
The HFC-8 is a compact hand, foot, and clothing monitor to measure personnel leaving controlled areas. Robust, with a removable probe and spring-loaded hand detectors, the Model HFC-8 is designed for portability between different areas. Featuring a detector arrangement to measure the hands and feet in one measurement step, the Model HFC-8 integrates the latest technology and design, while meeting industry and regulatory standards.
Model 177HFM Low Cost Hand & Foot Monitor
This setup offers a low-cost alpha/beta/gamma contamination monitoring system for checking hands and feet.